Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I was going to wait until I completed Challenge #12 (create a photo series) until I tackled Challenge #18 (get a photo or photos in a gallery and/or sell one of your photos). But I've been wanting to set up an Etsy shop for a while now, and I thought that it might be a good avenue to sell a photo or two.

Once I create a photo series, I'm still going to try to have them shown somewhere, but until then, the "or" part of Challenge #18 is the route I'm taking. My shop went live today on Etsy.com. It's called APERTURIOUS: A PHOTOGRAPHY SHOP. I still have to create a header, and more photographs might be added later, but at least we're up and running.

This isn't a cheap plug to get you to head on over to my Etsy shop. Most of you have probably seen these photos anyway. I'm hoping for a total stranger to come across something they like enough to frame and hang on their wall. Then I will consider the challenge officially met.

If anyone has an Etsy shop of their own and/or any advice to share, feel free to leave a comment or email me here.

1 comment:

  1. Remember - you have not one but two fabulous photos hanging in the Shagbark Gallery, Woodbury, Tennessee.

    Uncle Rich
