Monday, April 9, 2012

Italy Wins

Italy has officially stolen my heart. I'm too tired to search my brain for the most potent adjective to describe our trip, but just know that it was one of the best weeks of my life.

We were lucky enough to experience a wide range of what Italy has to offer, from colossal Rome to a Tuscan village of 200 people and everything in between. My favorite part? All of it. But here are some strong recommendations/opinions while they're still fresh in my mind:

  • If you are planning a trip to Tuscany, stay at least one night if not your whole life at Villa San Rocco, a 6-century-old ten bedroom retreat nestled in the hills overlooking Bagni di Lucca. It left me speechless. 
  • Best pizza I've ever had: Dar Poeta in the Trastevere neighborhood of Rome.
  • Best gelato: Right outside Vatican City at a place called Old Bridge.
  • Take the fast trains. Worth it.
  • Order whatever your server recommends. Worth it.
  • Grappa is a vile substance. 
  • Sciacchetra (unique to Cinque Terre) is my new favorite drink.
  • Venice is a maze for grown-ups. Whatever you do, get lost in it.

I can mark part of challenge no. 19 off my list (fly across an ocean). And I'll be posting my Window Seat series (challenge no. 5) as well as some other photos in a few days. Right now I have to concentrate on not letting my forehead meet my keyboard.

Stay tuned tomorrow for a big shiny new post.

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